lunes, 8 de octubre de 2012

The aesthetic and ambience of child funeral portraits. This images are were made utilizing a muted palette with a stark backdrop, the porcelain-like subjects are morphed to display discerning features of various animals, such as a set of slender antlers for 'fawn' 
and perked-up ears in 'rabbit'. the result is a whimsical collection of portraits that play into the innocent adolescence of the characters while still maintaining an eery sense of death  and mortality. 

The choice to transform the children into animal-like creatures was spawned from an  unhappy childhood memory of the photographer where he had to dress up as a white rabbit for a party: 'I couldn't pretend being happy in front of the camera, I hated being photographed. 

The image finally reflected my discomfort and my vexation.' conceived from his sketches, all the costumes shown in the series were tailored by dou's mother. 

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